ADORATION CHAPEL...Eucharistic adoration is a special time to spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The chapel is located on the N. Atlanta St. side of the church and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact Mickie Morris at the Church office at 504-466-4511.
ALTAR SERVERS...Open to boys and girls, grade 4 through high school seniors, willing to commit for an entire school year. Altar Servers are trained to assist with parish liturgies. They participate in service projects and fun activities throughout the year. Contact Deacon Dan Cordes at 504-466-4511.
ALTAR SOCIETY...Men and women volunteers work and pray together to keep our church beautiful. Responsibilities include the care of the altar, sanctuary, altar linens, plants, and flowers, and making altar cloths and liturgical banners. The Altar Society meets as needed, preparing for Lent and Advent. Contact Darlene Cashio at 504-722-2081, or Dale Pritchett at 504-469-4026 for more information.
BAPTISMAL SEMINARS...It is a ministry that gives parents the confidence and ability to foster the religious development of their children. Call the Church Office at 504-466-4511 to register.
COME LORD JESUS! This Bible Study program is committed to forming small Catholic Faith Communities. Members are formed into ardent apostolic witnesses through prayer and scriptural study. Contact Linda or John Walker at 504-400-1695.
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION…Assist with the distribution of Holy Communion to the sick, shut-ins, and at all Masses. Training is provided by the Archdiocese once a year. Contact Diane Schnauder at 504-469-7093.
FAMILY LIFE...The goal of this ministry is to awaken, guide, and inspire the Catholic family. Marriage preparation for engaged couples and Family Day are just a few ways that the family is supported. Call the Church Office at 504-466-4511.
FELLOWSHIP...This ministry hosts a variety of socials following special liturgies and events for our church throughout the year. Open to men and women. Call the Church Office at 504-466-4511.
GARDEN MINISTRY...Maintains our gardens. Team members are scheduled for 3 hours every other month. Contact the Church office at 504-466-4511.
HISPANIC MINISTRY…Provides religious, spiritual, social, and family activities for our Hispanic parishioners. A Spanish Mass is celebrated every Saturday night at 6:00. Contact Deacon Roberto Garcia at the Church Office
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS...The Knights are a worldwide Catholic organization for men aged 18 and older. God, family, and community are the priorities of the Knights. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month. Contact John Taylor at 504-296-8163.
LECTOR… Lectors proclaim the Holy Scriptures during the celebration of Mass. They encourage the parishioners to more actively participate in the Mass. Contact Susan Vanderbrook at 504-467-2237.
MUSIC MINISTRY…Includes cantors, organists, and adult choirs. Participation in this ministry is open to any adult who feels called to praise God in song. Prior training is not necessary. Attendance at one rehearsal and one Mass a week is required. Contact the church office at 504-466-4511.
OFFICE VOLUNTEERS...Office help is needed, such as answering phones, stuffing envelopes, mailing, doing errands, and a variety of tasks. Contact Steve Morris at 504-466-4511.
OUTREACH MINISTRY… A three-fold ministry. Contact Mickie Morris at 504-466-4511. A ministry to the poor and needy of our parish and our surrounding community by providing food, financial assistance, and support. The Outreach Ministry has a food bank in the church office (side entrance), open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. A Ministry of Care to the sick, hospitalized, elderly, and dying. The volunteers make phone contacts, send prayer messages, and cards of cheer, and make visits.
PARISH ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE... Coordinates and plans various parish events. For info call Steve Morris at the Church Office at 504-466-4511.
PARISH "SPRING FEST"… is held in April each year, it has a two-fold function: to bring all parish ministries together to work as a community and as a major fundraiser. Contact the Bubba Villarrubia at 504-442-9213.
PASTORAL COUNCIL…Serves as an advisor to the pastor, responsible for reviewing, evaluating, coordinating, and unifying the parish activities. Membership is open to all men and women willing to make a three-year commitment. The council meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Church Office. Contact the church office.
PRAYER LINE…If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, our prayer line provides that personal connection with our parish community. Call the prayer line to have a name added to the list, or to join in offering prayer. Contact Joan Melancon at 504-237-5760.
PROJECTION SYSTEM OPERATORS...Operate the projection system for weekend Masses, training is provided, and no experience is necessary, Call the Church Office at 504-466-4511.
RCIA…The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process for welcoming adults into the Roman Catholic Church. We invite people who were not baptized or not confirmed. Volunteer sponsors are always needed for each person as well as to help on the core team. Contact our Director of Religious Education, Earl Gervais at the Parish Office for more information.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION…Offers the opportunity for children and adults to grow in their relationship with God as they learn more about their Catholic faith. Formation opportunities are available for everyone from Kindergarten to Senior Citizens. Contact Earl Gervais at 504-466-4511, or email at [email protected].
RESOURCES CERTIFICATION TEAMS... A ministry is responsible for the weekly counting and verification of all church stewardship collections, second collections, and other donations received by the Church. These teams are responsible for the accuracy of counting and recording all monies, and the preparation of the weekly deposit of those funds. Contact the Church office at 504-466-4511.
RESPECT LIFE...The Respect Life Ministry works to foster the dignity and respect for every human life from conception to natural death, through prayer, education, and works of mercy. We focus on topics such as Abortion, Adoption, End of Life Issues, Human Trafficking, Persons with Disabilities, and many more. Contact Mickie Morris at the Church office at 504-466-4511.
SACRED HEART MINISTRY…To encourage and assist parishioners to Enthrone their homes to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Contact Charlene Tarleton at 504-466-4511.
SCOUTING…We have scouting programs for girls from kindergarten to 12th grade. The boys’ program is from first grade to 18 years old. Adult volunteers run both programs. Contact Ray or Gloria St. Pierre at 504-737-2134.
SENIORS… The Silver Wings ministry is a senior citizen group that meets at 10:00 a.m. on the first Tuesday of the month. Meetings are held in the St. Lawrence Room. The meetings focus on performing spiritual and corporal works of mercy as well as enjoying social activities throughout the year. For those 55 years and older, contact Janice Tassin at 504-467-3571.
USHERS...Men and women who are ministers of hospitality assist in welcoming people, taking up the collection, and directing the flow of traffic at church services. Contact the Church Office at 504-466-4511.
YOUTH MINISTRY - CYO... Currently, our CYO is not active. If you are interested in any Youth activities for those in grades 8-12, please call Earl at the parish office. 504-466-4511.