We had over 100 people at our January “First Friday” Bingo on January 3rd. It was great to see men, women, and children, of all ages, there enjoying themselves. Thank you to the Bingo Committee for all their hard work putting this and all our Bingos together each month, including set up and take down as well as turning the variety of donated prizes into nice, packaged items.
Thank you to everyone who has been donating these wonderful prizes and thank you to our Knights of Columbus for providing food items for sale during the Bingo.
The next Bingo will be Friday, February 7th at 6:00 p.m., in the Bahan Center. Hope you can join us!
This Tuesday, January 14th, after the 9:00 a.m. Mass, the Altar Society will be taking down all our Christmas Decoration and putting them back into storage. They will need a lot of help. If you are available, please come and volunteer. Thank you.
Thank you to everyone who has been putting money in the Boxes on the tables, in Church, to help our Food Pantry assist those in need. Every little bit helps. The need is very great.
Just a thank you and a heads up on the fantastic effort that continues to be made on paying down our debt. We started with a debt of over $575,000 and we have paid back over $320,000. Great job everyone!
For Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, we had over 720 people attend our Masses. Our biggest Mass, as usual, was our 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass with over 280 people in attendance. Midnight Mass had over a 100. Our Christmas Day Masses had between 40-50 people at each Mass.
New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, despite being a Holy Day of Obligation only had 437 people attending our Masses.
This past weekend for Epiphany we were back to 603 people attending Mass, which included our Family Faith Formation program children and families.
At New Year’s Masses our 2nd Collection was for “Special Projects” and several people asked me about that “Special Projects” collection.
The answer is: Throughout the year we have a number of events that can fall into the category of Special Projects. Each year we have a reception for all the people that are having a 25th and 50th, or higher, Wedding Anniversary. We also have a reception for the person or persons who are awarded the St. Louis Medallion each year. We do King Cakes at Epiphany and Apple Pie and Ice Cream for 4th of July. We give out some gifts for Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day. We have a reception for those who lost loved ones along with our All Souls Mass, and we buy each of them a Candle in memory of their loved one. When we have Confirmation, here at OLDP, we have a reception to follow the Mass. We have a small reception for Veterans when we have a Veterans Mass. And we buy supplies for our monthly Baptisms.
All these Special Projects cost money so a “Special Projects” 2nd Collection, from time to time, can assist us with that. Thank you for your generosity in supporting these projects.
God Bless,
Fr. Mike